Welcome to Aikido Kyoto

Aikido Kyoto, founded in 2003, is a registered Aikikai Dojo. We have both general and kids classes every day at our dojos, including Nishijin Dojo (permanent dojo in Kamigyo ward, Kyoto city), Kyoto Budo Center (Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City), Fushimi Youth Action Center Dojo (Fushimi Ward, Tanbabashi), Hirakata Sports Center Dojo (Hirakata City)
Aikido Kyoto, through the training of mind and body, aims to create an appropriate space (dojo) shared by its students and by Aikidokas from all over the world, in the city of Kyoto, a cultural and international referent in Japan.
It is our wish that people who train at Aikido Kyoto can experience the depth and enjoyment of Aikido through the daily practice with members of other dojos both domestically and internationally.
If you are interested in training Aikido with us, please come and visit our dojo.
Our Dojo

The founding philosophy of Aikido Kyoto is based on the precepts established by the founder of Aikido, the late O-sensei, Ueshiba Morihei, and passed onto the second and third Doshu as well as the shihan at Hombu Dojo. Through the techniques and the path of Aiki, Aikido Kyoto promotes the formation of self-knowledge and compassion towards ones opponent, hopefully allowing the practitioner to make a richer contribution to society.
We also believe in creating a community that cultivates the spirit of cooperation while at the same time fostering the independence and self-reliance of the individual, eschewing a passive, conformist way of thinking. Our aim is also to cultivate a generations of people who are actively engaged in the development of a diverse and inclusive society.
What is Aikido
Aikido is a non-competitive Japanese martial art of self-defense developed early in the 20th century by O Sensei; Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969).
It derives from traditional martial art forms, with movements that are flexible, rational and highly effective. The fundamental principle of Aikido is to evade, redirect or neutralize an attack by using an opponents force against themselves.
The practice of Aikido should coordinate and develop the mind, body and spirit.


Dojo-cho : Yoko Okamoto (7th Dan)
Started Aikido at Aikikai Honbu Dojo; the world headquarter in 1978 with late Doshu Kissyomaru Ueshiba, then continued in France (1979-1981) with Christian Tissier Shihan. Upon returning to Japan, continued training with shihans in Honbu dojo following mainly late Seigo Yamaguchi Shihan, and I. Shibata Shihan (Current Berkley Aikikai Dojo-cho).
Established Portland Aikikai in Portland Oregon, in 1991, assumed a role of dojo-cho (chief instructor) until her return to Japan in 2003. Started Aikido Kyoto in 2003 for development of Aikido in Japanese and international community in Kyoto.
She currently holds the rank of 7th dan.

Senior Technical Director : Chris Mulligan (7th Dan)
Began training Aikido in 1972. In 1978, he traveled to Japan and ended up staying 11 years, training mostly at the Aikikai Hombu dojo. At Hombu, he trained with all the Shihan, following mainly I. Shibata Shihan. Upon returning to the states, Chris, along with Yoko Okamoto, established Portland Aikikai under the tutelage of Yamada Shihan of NY Aikikai.
Chris is currently the senior instructor at Aikido Kyoto, teaching both children and adult classes.
He currently holds the rank of 7th dan.
Assistant Instructors & Youth Technical Directors :

A message from Dojo-cho to people interested in beginning Aikido
Aikido is not an easy martial art. However, it is accessible to anyone who has a desire to train. During your practice you will go through high and low points, at times you will feel overjoyed and fulfilled. At other times you will feel exhausted. Whichever the case, as you walk along the Aikido's "path" you will have countless eye-opening encounters, learn about your own self, and refine your ability to judge and make decisions.
Through the practice of Aikido, it is possible to experience the process of personal growth in harmony with others and your surrounding.
– Okamoto, Yoko